Resonite PDF Reader image
Resonite PDF Reader
Link to project: https://github.com/naborisk/resonite-pdfreader-backend

What is it

A work-in-progress PDF reader developed for Resonite.

Resonite is a very flexible platform, but it doesn’t come with a way to read PDF files inside of the platform by default. So I’ve created this project to make reading PDFs straight from Resonite possible. However, the method I use requires an external server in order for the PDF reader to work.

How it works

The PDF reader has 2 parts: a frontend which lives in Resonite, and a backend server. When a user paste a link to the PDF then press the load button on the frontend, the link is sent to the server. The server will then download the PDF and converts it into image files. The image files are served as static files on the server. Since image files can be accessed directly from Resonite (as textures), the frontend part can display the images without requiring a mod.


The current implementation relies on a link to the PDF file. This means that the PDF link has to be public for the server to be able to download the files.

Made with by Naborisk